Wednesday 20 October 2010

Analysis of the magazine Vibe

The magazine front cover "Vibe" relates to the music genre Hip Hop/ rap. We know this because the main image is of  a famous hip hop artist. Also, as one of the strap lines along the right hand side, it says " Hip Hop's new superwoman to the rescue" also implying it is a Hip Hop magazine. The audience of the magazine are teenagers from the ages of 14 to the age of 21. We know this because most teenagers enjoy Hip Hop music and the setting of the magazine is animated implying it is for teens.

The main image is of a famous Hip Hop artist, Nicki Minaj and is relevant to the genre as her music is current at the moment. The image has strap lines and has animated scenery around the main image in order to frame it. The main image itself is very cartoon like, as it is meant to portray a "superwoman" therefore, her outfit and posture show this as she looks very superior and is dressed like  a super hero. Most people know Nicki Minaj as being a barbie doll, therefore by her outfit being pink, it shows that this is her signature colour reflecting her personality. The animations below compliment the main image as they make it obvious that Nicki Minaj is meant to be a super hero as super heroes are animations are  fiction. The use of bright colours also shows this as they link in with her outfit, making the magazine look professional.

The magazine name "Vibe" reflects the content of the magazine as it is a positive feeling you get; "A vibe off the music" This emphasises the feeling the audience get from the genre of music; Hip Hop/ r n b. For the masthead, upper case lettering has been used in order to make the magazine and title of the magazine stand out. This is in order to draw the audience in by the title, as everything else such as the strap lines is in lower case letters. There isn't much text used on the front cover, showing a limited use of strap lines. This is because the main story revolves around Nicki Minaj, therefore the main image compliments the strap lines about her. The size of the text is quite big compared to the other text, especially when talking about Nicki Minaj. This is to show she is the main attraction of this issue, therfore everything is revolving around her. Also, there are two other strap lines which are also in the same size font and are at the top of the magazine to show that they are just as important. As you go down the magazine, the strap lines get smaller, indicating the importance of each story.

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